Tuesday 7 May 2013

Peckham 10k

In the past a 10k run was easily a comfortable distance before the bronchitis set in and seemed to bring my standard down to walking up the stairs to my flat.

I also have to admit that in the past I would scoff at the thought of taking the time to run a 10k, I never realised but I must have been incredibly snooty to think nothing less than a half marathon is worth bothering with. I am pleased to have proved myself very wrong, running 6.25 miles is tough! It took nearly all the strength I had, I came to the finish line with very little left in the tank so I'll never underestimate the majesty 10k again.

Thankfully my very snobby outlook has changed for the better. I had no idea what my time would be, I was more enthusiastic about covering the distance post illness and just build up my stamina slowly, so I was really pleased to find both legs AND lungs held out on the day, finishing in just under an hour, literally with seconds to spare... like 8 seconds!

I know I've got a lot of work to do to beat my goal of a sub 2 hour half marathon - the deadline for this is Run to the Beat in September but I feel like I'm in a good place.
I was also delighted with my medal, not quite the Brighton Marathon medal I was gunning for earlier in the year but this one made my week.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Bouncing Back

Last night I was watching an old episode of I'm Alan Partridge featuring the launch of Alan's formidable memoir Bouncing Back. It chronicled his return to form after a nervous breakdown and Toblerone induced obesity.

As I sat watching I could not help but feel a special bond between Partridge and I. After a month of bronchitis I suffered coughing, spluttering and a general feeling of uselessness. Rest was prescribed so in went the hot lemon and honey and out went running, Bikram yoga and cardio at the gym. There was a small matter of the Brighton marathon that had to go too - after all that training in the snow, I was crushed.

While I didn't suffer a nervous breakdown I did convince myself Toblerones were a credible ingredient to add to the recovery mix, which turned to fat, resulting in a number of my favourite dresses that currently do not fit. I realised during this time how much exercise means to me and what a great part it plays in my life. It can determine quality of sleep, stress levels, concentration, well being and generally what will fit me on a day to day basis.

Without all of this I was a little lost. But last night was different. Last night I put on my kit and went for a run

I ran two miles; and I think they were the most exhausting two miles in a very long time. And it took a while, but I didn't care about that, I was elated at the fact that I finally garnered the strength to get up and run.

It has been the most important two miles of my year, why is this important? Well to quote Partridge himself "because I've bounced back, people bounce back." And that is what I feel I have done.

Yesterday was square one and I was so happy to be there. This year I am aiming for a sub two hour half marathon and a full marathon later in the year, I'm also planning to shed the 14 pounds hanging off my hips asap.

On with the journey!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Marathon Blues

So today was supposed to be the day I have been leading up to for months. The Brighton Marathon.

About three weeks ago I wrapped up warm and took off on my final long run. It hit 18 miles and felt, well, I think I felt like I hadn't tried hard enough. But I was looking forward to Brighton.

And then I caught bronchitis and even as I sit to write today I can feel the cold in my chest and the sinking feeling in my heart at sitting out on LIFE.

I'm also particularly glum at having not exercised in these three weeks! I never weigh myself but I know I'm so much heavier.

I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, stop feeling frumpy and low and start doing.